Saturday, July 24, 2010

Want to Make Your Life Easier???

If you know me at all then you know I like to make my life as easy as possible. So when it comes to cooking there are two key things that help me do this

1. Meal Planning
2. Cooking and Freezing

Trust me when I say meal planning can save you money in the long run. Every Saturday I sit down and plan my dinners for the week. (I run a daycare in my home so my breakfast and lunches are already planned for me. I will be quitting my job soon so I will be planning my own complete menu in the next few months.) I also plan on making snacks for the week to avoid buying boxes of junk filled with high fructose corn syrup and loaded up on sugar and salt.

I have a dry erase board in my kitchen that has every meal written down so my husband does not come home from work and ask me whats for dinner, he can take a look at the board.

The next great time and money saver is freezing! You can always make double batches one to cook, one to freeze, or you can devote a day to cooking meals and freezing for later use. This is great for days when you really dont have the time or energy to cook. You can grab something out of your stash and throw it in the oven. Simple!! Personally I cook my dishes before freezing, but alot of foods can go straight into the freezer. For things like sauces I place them in ziploc baggies, lay flat to freeze and they are much easier to stack and take up less room. You can individually freeze waffles and pancakes then place in baggies, or you can place a sheet of wax paper between them to keep from sticking. There are endless possibilities when it comes to freezing your food!!! So next time your making your kids some pancakes for breakfast, make a huge batch and freeze them to avoid buying boxes of junk that cost too much!

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